Thursday, February 01, 2007

Attack on the American Family

Dr. Stephen Baskerville

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Author Carol Rhodes past upper echelon employee of Michigan's Child Support Enforcement Agency give a very rare look into on of the most abhorrent and unaccountable public service agencies. Robert Peterson joins in the conversation talking from outside of the Friend of the Court confirming Carol's claims.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

AD/HD Is the topic and our guest Rose Moore CEO of ADHD Child Advocate Services (a non-profit, charitable organization), that serves all parents and children in all 50 states concerning problems with the Public School Districts (K-12).

Friday, December 29, 2006

Did A Channel 4 NBC Reported in Milwaukee use a child to sensationalize his report. Is this Child Abuse?

Special Guest Panel
P.h.D Robert Evans - A Center For Human Potential
Sarvy Emo & Robin Denison- Parental Alienation Awareness

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The topic drives a controversial discussion of deep and intense position. A tool and tactic that has been described as nothing less than Child Abuse!

PhD. J. Michael Bone, Kim Griswold, And Cynthia Alexander Discuss the issue on this Edition.

VLR 2 ____December 16, 2006
Alan Rusmisel / Bob Batterbee / Paul Sielski


VLR 1 ____December 2, 2006

Our first show in this new series. Powerful Guest. Great Information.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

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A community of people unite to help Everlee Lambdin and her newborn child Ellianna. New in the effort ARLEN joins to help with proceeds from the sell of his CD Loney Knight.